Thursday, April 19, 2007

Harry Reid: we've lost the war

What a vile man.

Harry Reid declares Iraq war lost

His point of view is almost understandable, assuming you think Harry Reid is a reasonable person. But I don't think he is. I've said before, and I'll say again that I think what's in his mind is next year's elections, and a lost Republican war would suit the Democrat party very well.

In any case, he never seems to realize just how much propoganda use the enemy will make out of his statement. I'm all for him expressing his views behind the scenes, but for one of the leaders of one of the two major political parties in the United States to come out, IN WARTIME, and declare that we've already lost is an amazing display of thoughtlessness and incompetence.

Nevada: vote this man out at the earliest opportunity. He's gone beyond being an embarassment to being a danger.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Travesty that is the Democrat leadership

The image in the following article is a joke. Or would be, if things weren't so serious.
Democrats Support the Troops?

Support? By playing games with their funding? Trying to intrude on the commander-in-chief's constitutional powers?

According to Harry Reid, "the American people voted for change in Iraq." While true, I wonder if he ever thought that the course change they wanted was one of victory rather than treading water, waiting for the Iraqis to come around? Reid is imposing his own anti-war biases on us by insisting that the only course change must be "redeployment" out of Iraq.

What he really means is that the troops need to leave at the height of primary season next year, so that the Democrats will have an issue to bash the Republicans with. The lives of our troops, a loss in Iraq and America's future safety are something Reid and other Democrats are perfectly willing to subordinate to their own political power.

They ought to be ashamed. Sadly, Democrats have no shame.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Clarification, or don't post when Harry Reid has ticked you off

Just to clarify my post of April 5, it's not all Democrats who disgust me. It's the leadership mainly. I listed a lot of names, and I could add Howard Dean to that list, or Terry McAuliffe, one of the most genuinely unpleasant people I've ever seen. So why do these men disgust me?

It's because they have no moral character. These men want to drag America into their version of some socialist, big-government nanny state, where the all-powerful federal government controls everything. They want to toss morality overboard and replace it with their own, where all sorts of immoral behavior from homosexuality to abortion is accepted as right and proper, while actual moral choices such as being free to express religious views in a public forum are suppressed.

The do this incrementally, and they fight dirty. I can't help but notice that they have spent nearly every waking moment since they took over in January conducting "oversight" of the Bush administration. By which I mean they've been conducting witch hunts, looking for any excuse whatsoever to call for someone's resignation. They've invented the scandal with the fired US attorneys, and put on this facade of righteous indignation. Speaking of which, add Pat Leahy to my list of disgusting Democrats.

By far the worse thing they've done is treat Iraq war funding as a political football. They want to end the war by next year, not out of principle, but because they want a lost war and a chaotic Iraq as a campaign issue for the 2008 presidential election. In short, they are willing for American service men and women to die, and for Iraqis to be slaughtered, and for Al Queda and Iran to be emboldened, all so they can gain the Presidency back in 2008.

That's why they disgust me. They are vile, immoral opportunists. I hope the public can see this and deal with them properly on election day.

Pelosi in Syria

Isn't it nice when our elected Democrat leaders cannot confine their attempts to destroy President Bush to the domestic political landscape, but have to go overseas as well? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has apparently decided that she's now Secretary of State. She's also decided that meeting with Basher Assad is a good idea. This is the man who is the head of state in Syria, a nation that supports a number of terrorist organizations. He's also implicated in a high-profile political assassination as well.

So the speaker of the house goes to visit him, and in effect endorses his presidency, and all that goes with it. And she can't see why this was a bad idea?

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Democrats disgust me

Should I name names? Harry Reid. Nancy Pelosi. Dick Durbin. Jack Murtha. Arrogant, lying hypocrites, every one of them, who think that they run the show now. They're ready to end the war in Iraq and force us to lose. They're ready to cut the funding or else give it and tie the commander-in-chief's hands in the process.

They pretend that it's just a case of oversight, or of fulfilling the election results, but it's nothing but an escalation of their six-year attempt to destroy George Bush.

Then of course there are the stubborn fools who insist that we've lost the war and that Iraq is tied up in a civil war and that running away is the solution.