Sunday, November 08, 2009

So, the health care 'reform' bill passed the House...

... but will it pass the Senate? Especially a bill that passed with such a close margin? Several pundits I've read say no, the bill is dead in its current form. Let's hope so.

Even if not, where do we go from here?
- The bill could die in the Senate
- Something could pass in the Senate, and not get out of reconciliation in a form that would attract enough votes
- if something did get out, the President would certainly sign it

If things go that far, there are going to be legal challenges on the constitutionality of the new law, in particular the purchase mandates. If the public really is as against this bill as they seem to be, the Democrats will hopefully pay a price in the midterms next fall, and a Republican majority could repeal the law.

The fight's not over. Not by a long shot. I feel like I did after Obama got elected. My first thought was "Ok, time to fight this."

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