"You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well.
"If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."
That's what he gets for trying to look like he has a sense of humor. He ends up putting his foot in his mouth again, and makes everyone mad. He compounded the error by coming out with both guns blazing in a rather amusing press conference. Having learned the wrong lesson from 2004, he's convinced that if he'd fought back against the Swift Boat Vets he'd have won the election, so he's fighting back and making himself look like a jerk. Which he undoubtedly is.I personally am delighted that Kerry's attempt at a cheap shot at Bush has come back to bite him in the rear. He really is one of the most arrogant men in politics today.
Having said that, had he come out and been somewhat good humored about it, the brouhaha would have fallen flat. But when he came out today in that press conference and tried to preach about how bad the Republicans are, and how he would never attack the servicemen, I kept having flashbacks to that 'army of Genghis Khan' comment and others like it in the 71 hearings.
No senator Kerry, those of us who think you'd attack the troops are not crazy, because you've done it before.
I think Kerry will be the topic of conversation for a few days now rather than Iraq or the economy. It's helpful to my side quite honestly. Kerry is a big, arrogant, elitist left wing Democrat, and the Democratic party does not like to trot those guys out right now.
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