Story 1 is about Sunstreaker, and his experiences during the Furman-written run of comics. I'm assuming a lot of what happened to him took place during "Devastation", which I missed entirely. I remember that he was captured at the start of Escalation and was apparently going to be turned into a Headmaster. The title of the story is "Replay" so I assume we're watching Sunstreaker relive his most recent memories, from winning a battle before being transferred to Earth, to being disassembled by the group who were developing the Headmasters, to what is either a memory or a fantasy about being restored and made whole. The last two pages show him lying in a pile of scrap at the bottom of a chasm beneath a broken bridge.
Here's where coming in late to a story does me no favors, since I don't really know what happened. I assume he died fighting, or else is in very bad shape and is expiring as we watch, and this story is the equivalent of his life flashing before his eyes. Either way, it's a grim storyline for a character I'd rather have seen more of. I get the feeling we won't be seeing Sunstreaker again any time soon.
Story 2 is about Galvatron, and shows him recruiting Cyclonus and Scourge, and creating the sweeps as his own private army. I guess these three characters are bound to be associated with each other from now on, ever since the 86 animated movie. At least Galvatron and Megatron are two different characters in this continuity, and that's a good thing.
Not as good as issue 15, but interesting all the same.
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