Saturday, August 14, 2010

"But I didn't choose to be gay!"

I often hear this from apologists for the gay lifestyle. "You tell me when you chose to be straight. I certainly never chose to be gay."

Really? So that first homosexual relationship or lesbian relationship just happened? It snuck up on you and suddenly you found yourself involved with someone of the same gender through no fault of your own?

At some point, the choice was made to act on those feelings or impulses. THAT's when the choice was made to be homosexual or not. Feelings in and of themselves don't determine who and what we are. I might feel the urge to run naked through a crowded football stadium, but that doesn't make me a streaker.

At some point, a choice is made. Don't pretend that it isn't.


nickmellish said...

Or to put it another way...

""But I didn't choose to be straight!"

I often hear this from apologists for the heterosexual lifestyle. "You tell me when you chose to be straight. I certainly never chose to be straight."

Really? So that first heterosexual relationship just happened? It snuck up on you and suddenly you found yourself involved with someone of the opposite gender through no fault of your own?

At some point, the choice was made to act on those feelings or impulses. THAT's when the choice was made to be heterosexual or not. Feelings in and of themselves don't determine who and what we are. I might feel the urge to run naked through a crowded football stadium, but that doesn't make me a streaker.

At some point, a choice is made. Don't pretend that it isn't."

It goes both ways.

H. S. Anderson said...

Except that heterosexuality is the natural state of any man or woman. Biology alone ought to make this obvious. Procreation propogates the species. On a purely biological level, that's the reason sex exists. Or to put it another way, if we weren't driven naturally to mate with the opposite sex, the species would die out pretty quickly. That alone ought to be proof that opposite sex pairings are not the same as homosexual pairings, which serve no biological purpose.

Otispq said...

It really doesn't go both ways. As Anderson said, biology dictates heterosexuality. But if your really talking about both ways, every homosexual person (male or female) I've known was actually bisexual. Most definitely a choice being made there.

nickmellish said...

Then you have met bisexual people, but certainly not homosexual people. That's just basic semantics and is really too silly to rise to.

If you mean that people were with people of the opposite sex before realizing they were gay, that's a different ballpark. We live in a world where nigh on all adverts, television shows, books, magazines, articles, writing and so on concentrate on heterosexuality and the heterosexual lifestyle, so it's little wonder people can be confused, especially when people talk about homosexuality being sinful or against nature. Why on earth would you possibly choose to be persecuted continually in your life?

There is plenty of evidence suggesting homosexuality in animals, too: sex beyond procreation and evolution. We are wired up to enjoy sex; doesn't matter if that's with the opposite sex or not. Ask any gay person and they will tell you that it's their natural inclination to be gay, just as it is my (and presumably your) natural inclination to be heterosexual.

H. S. Anderson said...

>Then you have met bisexual people, but certainly not homosexual people. That's just basic semantics and is really too silly to rise to.

You don't know that. You're making an assumption not based on the facts, but on your personal beliefs.

>If you mean that people were with people of the opposite sex before realizing they were gay, that's a different ballpark. We live in a world where nigh on all adverts, television shows, books, magazines, articles, writing and so on concentrate on heterosexuality and the heterosexual lifestyle,

That's not really true anymore. It seems like just about every show, book, movie, etc. goes out of its way to include a homosexual and preach to everyone about tolerance. To the point where it's often propoganda as much as anything.

> so it's little wonder people can be confused, especially when people talk about homosexuality being sinful or against nature. Why on earth would you possibly choose to be persecuted continually in your life?

People choose to engage in all sorts of behavior which is harmful or destructive in any number of ways. Why should sexual behavior be any different?

In any case, it's those who speak out in opposition to homosexuality who are attacked these days. More and more, we're not allowed to express negative opinions about sexual behavior.

>Ask any gay person and they will tell you that it's their natural inclination to be gay,

Well of course they will. What else would you expect them to say?