Monday, October 16, 2006

650,000 dead in Iraq? Not likely.

A report was released today (not politically timed, according to the authors... hah) claiming that over 650,000 have died since we invaded Iraq in 2003.

Never mind the fact that no one else, include United States and Iraqi governments, as well as several independent groups disagree, putting the number of dead at around 40,000. This new figure was gleefully jumped on by CNN and other media outlets, as well as Bush-haters in general. Check their blogs if you don't believe me.

Why would anyone be happy that over ten times more people are dead than most of us previously believed? Because it's ammo to attack George Bush, the devil himself. The famous compassion that we conservatives know nothing about rears its head again. Bush killed 650,000 in his illegal war for oil! Hooray! Let's impeach him.

It's sickening behavior.

Of course, I don't know the actual number of dead. I do know that with a few exceptions, America and Great Britain do not intentionally kill civilians. We don't lace cars with explosives and detonate them in crowded markets. We don't strap bombs under shirts and kill soldiers eating lunch or Iraqi police brigades. And we certainly don't behead young men on videotape with dull knives and then post it on the internet.

Our enemies do that. But somehow, we're the bad guys. That's the twisted morality of the left for you.

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