Saturday, December 12, 2009

Gleaned comments about All Hail Megatron by Shane McCarthy

With links!

Drift's comment was a lead into the reveal of Hunter on the next page. Hunter is the 'other' person.

Kup as the traitor was thrown out the door before I started scripting #1.

Regarding changes to Perceptor:
For the reasons I stated in the interview.

He fell in SP: Drift, was rebuilt and then appears in AHM. Not sure what Nick's doing but it was my theory that when these guys get rebuilt it's their chance to either remain the same or take on a new 'form' (kind of like the Doctor).

For the reasons I chatted to Dave about Perceptor alters his appearance.

[quote="Shane McCarthy"]You mentioned you didn't even know about Revelation until AHM was well under way, but I saw what seemed like a pretty clear reference to it in #10, when they discuss Sixshot 'bringing back' space bridge technology. This would seem to be a reference to him being Shanghaied by Galvatron to be a space bridge guard. Or it could something to do with his appearance in Spotlight: Metroplex, which came about even later than Revelation.

I don't recall exactly where I was in AHM when I heard about REV but it was definitely before #10. The story of AHM was never altered but it was great being able to slip in and change small things to allow it to fit in with what Simon was writing along the way.

So the question is, how much of the story was changed along the way to reflect other stories? Was Bombshell originally just going to build the space bridge from scratch?

You know, I'm not sure about that one. Maybe? I'd need to check my notes. The story wasn't changed in any significant ways, it was really more of a case of cosmetic changes to allow it all to fit in with what was happening elsewhere as I was writing it. Sometimes it made for some frantic changes, haha, but it's all part of working in a shared universe.

Also, could we get some clarification about what happened to Rumble in #9? People seem to think he was shot with the Shockwave gun thingy, but it looked like an ordinary rocket launcher to me.

Rumble was shot in the face by the rocket launcher, not the iShockwave. He was downed, Soundwave got pissed off and lost control of the radio waves for a short moment. Rumble was never supposed to be dead, however he was supposed to be damaged.

I'm extremely specific in my scripts about how I see a shot and how I'd like it done. I try to give my artists the clearest picture of how I'm imagining it to look so they're never at a loss for what I'm asking for. After that it's up to them to either follow it to the letter or improve on what I'm asking for with their superior knowledge of visual storytelling. The way I see it is, if they can see a way to improve what I'm asking for then they should go ahead and do it, it's only going to help the story.

The cinematic feel you mention was a deliberate attempt of mine to start the series off with a 'blockbuster' feel and to then slowly start to move in deeper. Scenes like Megs walking past the office windows and so on were all very clear in my head from the beginning.

Six issues won't change how I pace anything. The flaw in your logic here is to assume I'd 'filled' out the twelve issues rather than do it as a packed, six issue actionfest.

The pacing was exactly as I intended it to be and how I approach storytelling. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but others have enjoyed that side of it a lot.

Apples and oranges.

The scale of Devastator and Omega Supreme:
All of this was discussed at length. As I've said before, nothing happened in AHM as an accident. All of it was debated and talked about.

I wanted the giants to be bigger and so did Guido. And yes, it was for effect (and yes we threw in the cues for mass displacement to happen when they transformed in #2).

Yes they're made up of smaller pieces but when someone can change from a cassette player into a giant robot or a tape into a giant jaguar (not a dog Wink ) then I hardly think it's absurd for Devastator to be larger than the sum of his parts.

Again, we're having fun here, let's have a good time.

Shane, on the off chance you have a minute to answer- was there at any point a chance where you could've pitched a different story to Hasbro/IDW?

Well, I'm guessing the moment I pitched it it could have been a different story. AHM was the one I thought of and pitched though so...

Or was it always this exact plot?

This was always where I wanted to go, yes.

Did you have vaguer details from the off, or was it always set in stone that, say, Sunstreaker was going to be the traitor etc?

I knew how I wanted to approach it. I knew the Cons would take over, I knew there would be a traitor in the Autobots, I knew Starscream would become dissatisfied with Megatron but in doing so would learn Megatron's 'true purpose' and thusly regain faith in his leader.

Some specific moments were always in my head; Dropshot, Octane, Cliffjumper waiting for the red light...

Others came to me later; Megatron Vs Devastator, Sunstreaker being the traitor etc.

Did you, eg, hope to have more time spent with the Autobots etc?

No, I think we spent enough time seeing those guys depressed as it was ;)

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